[GORGEOUS FEMALES] MTV is now seeking gorgeous females at least 21
years old who have the looks, outrageous personality and heart to win the love
of MTV’s very own Italian stallion Domeico Nessi! Dominico wants his shot at
love, and the search is on for his very own American sweetheart, a girl he can
bring home to Mama!
We are casting the best America has to offer, so we’re looking for
all types, Southern Belles, Big City Socialites, West Coast Surfer Girls, Sexy
Farmers’ Daughters, and Beauty Queens so if you’re single, look hot in a bikini,
and can hold your wine get ready for the Italian romantic adventure of a
lifetime apply electronically now!
Friday, December 7, 2007
A Shot at Love for Domenico
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Big Brother Returns
Producers are currently holding open casting calls for the new season.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Kid Nation amounts to nothing
The season finale is scheduled to air Dec. 12.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Assignment #6
I really enjoyed writing in this blog and I will probably continue to write in it for the months to come, though I'll probably expand on it a little more. Looking back on it, I think I should have included more youtube videos, although it was hard to find videos on my topic. I also would have concentrated on more reality shows, rather than just concentrating on one and then writing only important news for the others. I would have liked it if more people commented on what they liked/didn't like about my blog to give me an idea of what other shows I may have been missing. The thing I enjoyed the most about writing a blog about reality TV was just having to read about a lot of the reality shows. I found it really interesting to read about all the shows, especially the behind the scenes stuff. There's a lot you can find about reality TV when you do the research.
I really enoyed reading the other reaity blogs out there. I got a lot of my ideas and inspiration from them. I also enjoyed reading quite a few of the other class blogs, including Matt's Laugh Tracker and Derek's Municipally Wasted.
I progressively started writing in my blog more and more as time went on. It can take a while to sit down and write a long post, let alone a few each week. Especially as a college student with a tough schedule, it's sometimes hard to keep up with blogging. I did manage to keep up and make quite a few posts a week though and that's mostly because I really liked writing my posts. It didn't feel like homework, in fact, I felt like it gave me a time-out on my homework, just to reflect and read about things I enjoy.
I only shared this blog with my parents and of course the people in my class. My parents really enjoyed reading it because they are huge reality fans, especially my dad. I'm pretty sure he's an even bigger fan than me!
The Hills Season Finale Spectacular
The season finale celebration will begin December 9, when MTV airs a special called The Hills: Lauren Looks Back, beginning at 12 p.m. ET. This will be a “video scrapbook” of Lauren Conrad’s life from her time at Laguna Beach High to her life today. It will feature LC talking about past friendships and boyfriends.
Looks like Heidi won't be making an appearance on the after-show anytime soon.
This is one event not to be missed by The Hills fans!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Dramatic Finale for Dancing with the Stars
"If this is the limit of where I can get in a show, then let it be,” Maks said. “I’m satisfied and moving on."
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
WGA surveys reality show writers
Goodwin Simon Victoria Research’s study [PDF] found that “91% of reality TV writers receive no overtime pay,” but “88% of reality TV writers work more than 40 hours a week." On average reality TV writers on broadcast networks work 60 hours per week, while reality TV writers on cable networks work about 55 hours per week. Of those surveyed, "86 percent don’t get health insurance from their respective networks or production companies, and 18 percent don’t have insurance.” Overall, “the average pay range for reality writers was $2,000 to $2,500 per week. Based on an average weekly rate of $2,000, writers are losing $1,200 per week in overtime pay."
Basic facts:
- Only 3% of reality writers are given the job title of "writer." Others include story producer, story editor, segment producer, and others.
- Reality TV writers "spend an average of 18 weeks working on a particular production." On average, they work 32 weeks in reality TV anually.
- 70% of reality TV writers work on productions for cable networks, while the other 30% work for broadcast networks (CBS, ABC, NBC, etc.)
- "Almost 70% of reality writers are under the age of 40."
Also, “reality production companies may be committing multiple violations of wage and hour law based on the pervasive employment practices” such as a lack of overtime and meal breaks,” the WGA said. The organization has been working to unionize reality show story writers.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Dancing with the Stars 5 Finale
The show may be so popular, not just because of the dancing, but because of all the drama too. The non-dancing related stuff from Marie Osmond fainting to the death of two contestants' mothers also brings viewers back week after week. Clearly it's a combination of all of the above, the dancing and the drama.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Assignment #5
Do you like reality television?
"Yes, I do enjoy watching shows that are unscripted."
Do you have a favorite reality show?
"Yes. My favorite show that I like to watch is Big Brother."
What do you like about it?
"Besides being a reality show, it's also a social experiment. I like seeing the dynamic of people being throwm into a house together for 3 months. The producers do a good job finding conflicting and interesting personalities that make for good drama. "
Have you watched Big Brother for most of the seasons that it has appeared on television?
"Yes, I've seen all of the seasons. The first season was not that good, but the produceres changed the show around to what it is today and made it more interesting, which brings me to watch it season after season."
Are you excited that the writers' strike may lead to more reality television or do you think this will just lead to an overload of reality on TV?
"Although I really enjoy reality television, too much of it, like anything else, is going to take the joy out of it."
Have you seen any of the shows that are being advertised for the upcoming season if the strike continues?
"Well, I did hear they are making a winter version of Big Brother. I really haven't heard anything else about new reality shows."
Are there any other reality shows that you watch besides Big Brother?
"Yes. I also love Survivor, The Amazing Race, and even shows like Hogan Knows Best and The Osbournes are interesting to me. Shows like Hogan Knows Best and The Osbournes are a different type of reality show, but they are really interesting because you get a glimpse into the real lives of some celebrities that you would normally only get in a public light."
Friday, November 23, 2007
More of America's Next Top Model
- Heather continued to dominate the screen, but this time mostly because of her onstage freakout. Almost unable to deliver a few lines about her ensemble when it counted, she stuttered and stammered her way through it... and proceeded to beat herself up over the incident the ENTIRE EPISODE. When the girls returned home and hit the showers, Heather lost her cool. Feeling down after the negative criticism she got at the challenge, she flipped out at the other girls for getting in the shower when she called first dibs. She screamed, cursed, and demanded her shower time. The incident showed the other girls a whole new side to Heather and many of them weren't happy about it. They were all pretty steamed considering none of them really get the opportunity to shower alone either. The whole thing started and ended pretty quickly.
- In spite of her screwup, Heather avoided the bottom two (barely). Those places went to Lisa and Ambreal (okay, we saw that coming). Ambreal ran out of chances and went home.
- Before the judges deliberated this week, it was announced that whoever makes it through to next week will be joining Tyra and company on a trip to China.
Wednesday, November 21: The Girls go to China
- Down to six girls this week and everyone was off to China!
- When they got to their room, they quickly discovered that two of them would be sharing a bed and immediately designated Heather to be one of those girls. Heather took it personally and was upset that the others girls seemed to be picking on her again.
- On the ladies' first day in China, they were off to some martial arts training. The models were taught several martial arts poses and were asked to perform these poses while being hoisted into the air. The challenge brought out Bianca's intense fear of heights leaving her no choice but to drop out of the task and accept disqualification.
- The judge chose Heather as the winner of the challenge and she invited Chantal to join her on a shopping spree in Shanghai.
- The next day the girls met with Mr. Jay for a Cover Girl photo and commercial shoot. It was here that things took a turn for the worst for Heather. During the commercial, she couldn't get her lines down.
- Heather and Lisa were in the bottom two, but Lisa was sent packing.
A few updates: Bianca is still being her same old self and always picking on Heather. Bianca needs to change that NYC attitude of hers. It's not cute for America's Next Top Model. I really like Heather, but is it just me or can she really not handle all of this? I wish Heather would realize that the only reason some of the other girls are getting so vicious is because they know who their competition is. They are working on breaking Heather down so she'll crack and they won't have to deal with her. My pick still stands for winner though and that would be Saleisha. Sometimes her attitude is not so nice, especially to Heather, and I will agree with that, but I think she has some major talent. Her commerical came out amazing.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Project Runway
Click here to read all the Project Runway profiles.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Bachelor Fans...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
American Music Awards
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Here's what's coming...
According to "USA Today," reality TV fans are in for a treat if the Writers Guild strike persists for months, as some in the industry fear. Here's what we're in store for if the strike continues:
- Duel- quiz show in which contestants win by bluffing
- Oprah's Big Give- Winfrey gives cash to needy families
- Here Come the Newlyweds- A six-episode comedic game pitting couples in marital tests.
- Wanna Bet?- Celebrities wager (for charity) on whether contestants can perform outrageous stunts.
- Also: New seasons of Wife Swap and Supernanny, expanded episodes of Extreme Makeover: Home and possibly more Funniest Videos.
- Big Brother
- Million-Dollar Password- A high-stakes version of the game-show classic, hosted by Regis Philbin.
- Do You Trust Me?- Tucker Carlson hosts a quiz show in which strangers bet on their mutual confidence in each other.
- Also: Additional cycles of Survivor and The Amazing Race, and a new season of Drew Carey game show Power of 10.
- The Moment of Truth- (Jan. 23, Wednesdays at 9 ET/PT). Game show in which contestants are strapped to a lie detector and asked highly personal questions.
- When Women Rule the World-(Mar. 3, Mondays at 8 ET/PT). Women control "a group of unsuspecting men used to calling the shots."
- Also: American Idol (Jan. 15), Hell's Kitchen (Apr. 1), Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?, Don't Forget the Lyrics, Cops and America's Most Wanted.
- Celebrity Apprentice
- My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad- Families compete in stunt challenges.
- Clash of the Choirs Celebrities- establish amateur singing groups, which compete live in yet another one of these shows...
- Also: New season of 1 vs. 100, and Deal or No Deal continues.
- Crowned: The Mother of All Pageants
- Also: New seasons of Pussycat Dolls, Beauty and the Geek and America's Next Top Model.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Big Brother will return unlike any other season...
"We have been told by CBS to get ready for anything, so there's nothing that isAuditions were held this week and will be held over the weekend to cast for the new season. The debut date for the show right now is uncertain, but the producers are excited for a possible midseason premiere. Longtime Big Brother host Julie Chen will also be returning to the program, regardless of whether it comes back midseason or next summer.
certain at this point. It is a wait-and-see. We are preparing for anything. We
really want it to stand out. We want it to be special, because we've never done
something like this before. I promise you it will be different from any other
'Big Brother' you've ever seen."
I'm excited for a new season of Big Brother, one of my favorite reality shows. I'm glad they're not returning with another America's Player. It allowed to producers to control the game and then make money off of text message votes. Hey CBS, thanks for not manipulating the outcome again.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
On a different note...
All I have to say is...please,not another one of these...
Update on Writer's Strike..
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Hills Updates..
Elsewhere, we now know that Audrina and Justin-Bobby are broken up. Audrina’s co-worker played a role in helping her see there’s a lot more to life than that belching, mumbling, dreadlocked loser Justin-Bobby.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Top Model Updates...
- Ebony Morgon quit the show, claiming she was homesick and tired of the criticism she was receiving. The judging panel had already decided to eliminate Ambreal from the competition. However, when Ebony made it clear she was no longer interested in competing, Tyra dismissed her and allowed Ambreal to remain in the running. "I thought I wanted to be a model, but this is helping me realize it's not for me. It's not what I want. I just want to be happy and I'm not happy... I don't want to feel like that anymore so I had to say something," Ebony said as she was leaving.
- Sarah Hartshorne was the sixth girl to be eliminated from the show last week. She was the only ninth season plus-size model and so when she started to lose weight, she also lost her place in the competition. Tyra said both Sarah and Chantal (who were the bottom 2) are "very good models," just not "at the top of this pack." Sarah was criticized for "coasting" and has a "confusing" place in the industry because of her size. Chantal was also accused of "coasting," however she survived to compete another day as Sarah was ousted.
**I just think it's kind of ridiculous that Sarah was ousted because she was too small to be a plus-size model and too big to be a regular model. You would think that with everything that happened with Tyra Banks and her weight that she'd want to change the industry and give someone with that kind of body type a chance. Tyra, I'm disappointed.
- Enrique Inglesias guest starred on last week's episode, shooting a video with the girls.
- Heather fainted (we think) during the shoot. She just looked very very sick and was curled up in a ball in the corner, after claiming she hadn't eaten all day. Thankfully she is okay
Friday, November 9, 2007
Man vs. Wild
“We raised the bar considerably. The aim was to go to more extremes, to more
remote places. Looking back, the mistake was not telling viewers more from the
outset. The more they see, the more they realize how full-on a lot of the stuff
is. The new shows will reassure them. Everything is strong and double-checked.
Discovery is so cautious of everything. If I so much as break wind on these
shows, it’s acknowledged now.”
Bear thinks that the whole controversy was because people wanted to know more and they wanted to know how the stuff was done behind the scenes. So, here is their chance. The new season premieres tonight at 8 p.m. ET.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
"For every dollar you donate directly to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, I’ll
give you one entry in reality blurred’s biggest contest yet, with prizes worth
almost $600. So, a donation of $10 gets you 10 entries, and a donation of $50
gets 50 entries. The prizes are listed below, but you can win everything from a
Slingbox to items autographed by reality stars (Mike Boogie! Joey Lawrence!) to
multiple copies of the Colbert Report DVD."
The winner gets to pick four of the bulleted items on his list; second place picks three of the remaining ones; and third place gets whatever’s left. The prizes are yours to keep for whatever uses you would like.
"Enter by donating
directly to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society here. Use the box on the left
to enter your (tax-deductible) donation amount, and make sure you enter a
working e.mail address. After you donate via that third-party web site (I
receive no money; you’re giving directly to the organization), I’ll
automatically be alerted of your donation amount and e.mail address, and enter
you in the contest. Please donate right
I thought some of you may be interested in donating or just check it out, see what a good cause it is. Maybe start your own team and donate. Until next time...
American Idol
In my opinion, I'd rather not see the two shows combined. I'm a huge fan of So You Think You Can Dance, but I only watch the auditions portion of American Idol because I think the auditions are hysterical. I'd like it if they kept them separate.
Monday, November 5, 2007
TV & Film Strike
"The contract the Writers Guild of America had with the major TV networks andIn the immediate future, not much will change, besides the disappearance of late-night series such as The Daily Show. TV networks have a number of episodes already written, so scripted shows will continue to air as usual. The Los Angeles Times has a chart that depicts how many episodes of major series are written. Without scripted series, networks need something other than reruns to fill time. Therefore, we could see an increase in unscripted reality shows as early as next year, if The Writers Guild of America is still on strike. This isn't very good news though. A bunch of people who produce great entertainment are out of work for an indeterminate amount of time, which hurts everyone. In addition, the immediate demand for reality shows could lead to more crap and producers will just start shooting out nonsense. The biggest change for reality television right now is that CBS might move Big Brother 9's premiere to March.
movie studios expired Nov. 1. For months, the union has been negotiating with
the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers over a new contract. But
both sides are at odds over how much of a cut writers should get for online
distribution of TV shows and movies, and talks fell apart Wednesday afternoon."
Sunday, November 4, 2007
A Reality Update....
Ebony Morgon quit America's Next Top Model, claiming "I just did not want to be there anymore." "The most unattractive thing in the world to me is a quitter, and for that, you can go," Tyra Banks told Morgan at the conclusion of Wednesday night's Top Model episode.
This is for all the I Love New York and Nip/Tuck fans out there. New York, aka Tiffany Pollard, will reportedly guest star on Nip/Tuck on their December 4th episode. The fifth season of Nip/Tuck premiered on Tuesday and the preview they showed at the end of the episode for the season showed her making an appearance.
Amazing Race 12's "married ministers" are the shows first lesbian couple. At ages 49 and 65, they are also this seaon's oldest team.
NBC has formally announced that Donald Trump's The Apprentice will return for a seventh season. This season will be a celebrity edition.
Forty kids in one place saying the name “Michael” over and over again probably made it inevitable that someone would combine footage from CBS’ reality series Kid Nation with footage from Michael Jackson talking about his relationship with kids. The result is completely hysterical and shows how much editing can effect reality TV.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Cheers & Jeers
- Jeers to The Hills- "for a lackluster episode." Frett thought that this week's episode dedicated too much of its time to Whitney and Lauren's "boring" job at Teen Vogue and the argument between Heidi's fiance Spencer and Launren's ex Brody. Frett ends it by saying "What good is a guilty pleasure if you don't feel bad about yourself after consuming it?"
- Jeers to NBC's Phenomenon- "They should have called it fiasco," Frett wrote. He thought the mentalists on teh show performed stunts that were just too underwhelming that the audience didn't even know when to applaud.
I didn't get a chance to watch Phenomenon yet, but I'm surprised that it's been getting bad reviews. It seemed like a very good idea for a new reality show. I guess they just couldn't pull it off. I'll have to watch it and find out for myself.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Without editors, it would all be a mess
Monday, October 29, 2007
Lohan Family Goes Reality
If you ask me, I'd much rather see Lindsay on the show. Much more interesting. Right now, it sounds borrrrringgg, but I'll just have to watch it and find out. Until next time..
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Tonight's episode will feature a family that has lived without heat, water and electricity on an Indian Reservation. They will have their home rebuilt with modern "green" amenities. The show is aired on ABC at 8.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Gavin Beasley speaks out about The Hills
All I can say is that Best Week Ever scored big time with this interview. It's probably one of the most insightful things I've heard about behind the scenes at The Hills. I mean, don't get me wrong I've watched the show on many occasions and even enjoyed it, but this information is kind of disappointing to me. I always figured it was somewhat scripted, but not this much. It just goes to show you how the reality really is behind the reality shows.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Real World
Also, CBS has announced that The Amazing Race will return for a twelfth season and will premiere on Sunday, November 4.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Some makeovers went really well while others did not. My pick for best makeover would probably be Janet's. I thought it looked amazing on her. They didn't do much to her hair except cut it a little shorter and dye it much darker, but I still loved it. They shaved Bianca's head! (which seemed like a complete disaster at first, but it actually turned out looking pretty good). They also gave her a "Beyonce style" wig. They changed basically nothing on Heather, which I would agree with because her dark hair looks good and contrasts with her pale skin. I don't like how they did Jenah's hair at all. It's now very blonde and very long and it looks extermely fake. I'm not a fan of it. I'm also not a big fan of Saleisha's new makeover. I think her hair looked better before. Now it's a bob cut and it just doesn't look right on her, in my opinion. And is it just me or does Saleisha remind you A LOT of Rihanna? (except the hair looks better on Rihanna) The other makeovers included:
- Ambreal- extremely cropped, "almost no hair," as Tyra put it
- Sarah- very short, kind of bobbed, blonde with highlights
- Victoria- fuller and edgier hair
- Chantel- straight blonde hair with bangs (kind of fake looking, as well. Also, kind of reminds me of Britney Spears)
- Lisa- a Halle Berry type of haircut, reminiscent of Jaeda's in cycle 7
- Ebony- a Naomi Campbell cut, as they called it
What did everyone else think of the makeovers?
On another completely random note according to the New York Daily News, apparently Heidi's (star of The Hills on MTV) website got hacked into. Somebody posted "Me and Spencer did spread the false rumors about Lauren's sex tape" on the page. Although, it should say "Spencer and I." Maybe the person did that on purpose, knowing that Heidi would have probably wrote it that way. In that case, I feel like giving that person a high-five and apparently the author of the article in Newsday agrees with me.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Top Chef host "dishes out"

There was recently an article in People Magazine called "Eat, Play, Love." The article featured the reality show Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi talking about her new cookbook and her life after her divorce from author Salmon Rushdie. I thought it was an interesting article for anyone who's a fan of the show so I figured I would share with you guys. Padma shared with People Magazine that they have "teeth checks" on Top Chef after she tastes one of the chef's delicious dishes. "There's nothing worse than seeing me with a wad of spinach in between my teeth," she told People. Her second cookbook Tangy Tart Hot & Sweet features recipes inspired by her travels to Tanzania and Spain. This latest venture of hers was as much about society as it was fine dining. "With food, there's more that unites us than divides us. Take Asian and South American cooking- there's tamarind. cumin, cilantro, in both," Lakshmi told People. The book is dedicated to her then- husband author Salman Rushdie. The couple recently divorced. "He tasted every dish," said Lakshmi. For now, Padma Lakshmi is putting all her energy into Top Chef, the article says. "I can go into Chanel and walk out empty-handed, but if I go into a kitchen store, I'm in trouble," she told the magazine.

Monday, October 15, 2007
A New Reality "Phenomenon"
This actually seems like a really interesting show. It does seem kind of repetitive and monotomous that all these reality shows on television feature contestants competing for a prize through basically any talent you can think of. However, people seem to be completely fascinated with the unexplainable and the unknown. I, myself, find it extremely fascinating. I feel like this show is going to reach a big audience. It's definately a new genre and something we haven't seen before, as far as reality series go. Don't forget that this is also being done on live television in front of a studio audience where anything can happen, which makes it all the more interesting.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Reality Shows this Fall
- The Real World: Sydney (MTV)
- The Hills (MTV)
- The Contender- a boxing competition series (ESPN 2)
- Tim Gunn's Guide to Style- Project Runway's fashion expert now has his own show (BRAVO)
- The Biggest Loser (NBC)
- Beauty and the Geek (the CW)
- Kid Nation (CBS)
- America's Next Top Model (the CW)
- Survivor: China (CBS)
- Dancing with the Stars (ABC)
- The Bachelor (ABC)
- Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (ABC)
- DR. Steve-O- staring the Jackass and Wildboyz star, it will chronicle his attempts to toughen up men across the country with a medicine bag full of stunts and dares. (USA Network)
- I Love New York 2 (VH1)
And that's probably not even half of them. I'm sure at least one of those will spark people's interests.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Reality TV Website
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
"Kid Nation" could end up like "Lord of the Flies"?
Psychologist Dr. Gregg Steinberg said this in a UPI News Service article:
"The show asks the same basic questions as the novel, 'Lord of the Flies,'The Psychologist believes that if the show didn't have the camera crew around then the results would be the same as the ending of William Golding's book: violent and severe.
with one major difference: The show has adults overseeing the action.
"Children do not have the cognitive abilities to grasp discipline, hard work,
and integrity," Steinberg said in a statement. "Without parents to guide them
down the right path, we would see tragic consequences with bullying turning into
more savagery and lack of discipline turning into to utter chaos."http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/psychologist-likens-cbs-new-kid-nation-lord-of-flies-1013164.php
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Osbourne Auction
Here is what AP Entertainment Writer from ABC Sandy Cohen wrote in her article "Osbournes to Auction Contents of 3 Homes":
"With their three children now grown and out of the house, the
couple have changed their style and moved to a new home, she told The Associated
Press, adding that parting with hundreds of items has been 'one of the most
refreshing things I've done.'"
Thursday, October 4, 2007
America's Next Top Model
I noticed last night that there is a definite villian emerging from this season's group of girls. It's only the third epsiode and Bianca has already done some pretty evil things. I'm thinking that she might make the other villians from different seasons look like Mother Teresa. Here are some of the malicious things Bianca has done:
- She intentionally gave bad advice to Kimberly to sabotage her runway walk
- She said that she thinks Heather (the girl who has Aspergers Syndrome, a mild form of autism) gets a pity vote because of her disabiliity
- She called Saliesha a "borderline plus size"
- She actually compliments Heather later in the show, then immediately takes it back by saying something about "needing to knock her down because she's doing too well and could hinder her own chances of winning."
- She said she didn't think Saleisha deserved to win the challenge and that she should have won
This all happened in about an hour. At least Renee kept her rudeness to about two, three instances an episode. If Bianca keeps this up, she could be going for a new record.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
10 Greatest Reality TV Moments...
10. America's Next Top Model's fainting contestant
- Rebecca Epley of cycle 4 collapsed to the floor in the middle of judging. It turned out the collapse was due to a childhood illness and she ended up being fine.
9. Real World Denver Fight
-A drunken misunderstanding caused a fight between Tyrie and Davis, who uttered an ugly racial slur.
8. Engaged & Underage – bride-to-be gets bikini was from fiance’s mom
-Bride-to-be Chantel wanted a bikini wax before her wedding. Luckily, her fiance's mother does waxing for a living.
7. I Love New York – Fight night
- Chance punched Boston out and gave him a bloody nose when New York thought it would be a good idea to have a Fight Night.
6. America's Next Top Model contestant is clueless
- Kathleen, we wanted to like you, but what part of "anti-fur" didn't you understand? Not only that, but when Tyra made the point during judging to tell her she didn't know what was going on, she responded with "I know, right?"
5. Sharon Osbourne storms out of America's Got Talent
-Judge Piers Morgon upset Sharon when he was mean to one of the younger contestants. She angrily stormed off the set during a show in Dallas.
4. Big Brother 8 – housemate hates photo
-Big brother 8 houseguest Jen freaked out after seeing the picture of herself on the wall. She cried on and on about how the picture looked terrible and it was bad lighting and blah, blah, blah. Get a Grip!
3. American Idol – Simon urges Ryan to come out of the closet
-Ryan Seacrest and Simon Cowell were arguing after Simon gave a bad critique to one contestant. "Stay out of my closet!" Seacrest yelled, to which Simon replied "Come out!"
2. Surreal Life contestant pees in corner
- Verne Troyer motored down the hall on his scooter, half-asleep, drunk, and naked. I guess this was a good time to decide he had to pee....in the corner.
1. Pumkin’s spit from Flavor of Love 1
-Pumpkin, who was fed up with New York's antics, let loose a wad of spit right on New York's face, leaving the viewers and Flav in shock.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Has reality TV hit an all time low?
The title itself makes me not want to watch this show. It sounds like one of the dumbest and most degrading shows I've ever heard of. I'm not going to lie, it'll probably be funny and who wouldn't want to watch people do stupid stuff on TV? But, the whole premise of the show seems utterly ridiculous.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Rock of Love Finale
Thursday, September 27, 2007
America's Next Top Model
The theme of this week's photos revolved around the harm that smoking does to people's bodies. The girls were shot in a glamorous pose of them smoking a cigerette and then were shot in a photo that illustrated the negative impact smoking has. The two images were superimposed into one photo. Mila's trouble was the fact that despite the seriousness of the photo shoot, she couldn't stop laughing. The judges, which include Tyra, Twiggy and Nigel Barker, didn't find her impressive. Nigel wasn't happy that Mila was laughing during the shoot, saying "in reality it's a very serious subject." Tyra said she thought Mila wasn't absorbing any of the critique they gave her. I think it also probably had something to do with the fact that she had a vacant look on her face about 99% of the time. Saleisha ended up winning an Old Navy challenge and won a $1,000 shopping spree, which I was very happy about since I'm a big fan of Saleisha.
Monday, September 24, 2007
The Real World

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Kid Nation
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
On one more note, what's with Dick winning on Big Brother 8? Seriously, I know what the other players said, but I still think that Danielle played a better game.
Monday, September 17, 2007
TV Take Over
Here is what Ezinearticle.com expert author Andre Bias wrote in her article “Reality TV Shows Taking Over Television” on Ezinearticle.com:
“If more and more reality shows get picked up less sitcoms will get picked up.
Dramas are just as popular as reality shows right now so networks won’t bet
against them. In sum, if you are not a big fan of reality shows you can sell
your television because it looks like networks will keep coming up with anything
and everything until they run out of ideas."
On another note, I am highly anticipating the Big Brother 8 finale this Tuesday (September 18). I have been following the show all summer long and I must say that I’m very happy with the people who made it to the final 2. I know quite a few fans of the show are disappointed with the final 2 (or so I read on the message boards of CBS.com) because fans don’t like the way Danielle and Dick have played the game. I want to completely disagree. Although I wasn’t always a fan of Dick myself, I think that Danielle did an amazing job in the game. She did what she had to do to get where she is. I believe that she was one of the most intelligent people in the house and I think that she deserves the money. So, I’m hoping that Danielle wins it all and I think she will.
In general...
If you are anything like me, no matter how stupid you think these shows are, you’ll continue to watch them over and over again. I found that any show from Big Brother on CBS to Rock of Love on VH1 to Made on MTV can effectively and unconditionally suck you in. Once you watch one episode it’ll leave you hanging, making you think what’s going to happen with so and so, I wonder who gets voted off next episode, are they really going to do that.
My blog is going to be dedicated to reality television: the controversies, the stars, the drama, and especially the fact that these shows are completely taking over every network we watch.