Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Without editors, it would all be a mess

I thought I would share something that I've read in various articles and something I realize a lot of you probably don't know. Reality TV shows start off as hours and hours of tape that don't make any sense. It's the editors job to take all this raw material, all this "mishmash" and make it into something, presumably a story line. "They make good guys and bad guys. They manipulate the audience in who's doing what to whom by the simple juxtaposition of images," TV director Mike Garris pointed out in an article on CNN.com. In this case, the editors actually become the producers. They become the storytellers and they have way more of a say in the show then on a regular sitcom. "You have producers putting ideas in the minds of would-be celebrities, then you have them attempt to act, with greater or lesser success -- and then it's left for the editors to sort it all out," Garris said. Basically, the editors' job is to make sense of it all. So, in the end reality becomes less than real and "unscripted" becomes less apparent.

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